Monday, December 29, 2008

How am I going to plan my four-year university life? third writing

In my four-year university life, I plan to enhance my ability of English.

To be good at English, the first thing I must do is to understand

what meaning do the English sentences say.

For example, I can understand the sentences by reciting more vocabularies.

Therefore, I will plan to recite ten vocabularies every day.

The other method to understand the sentences is learning the grammar.

I will take out my grammar book of senior high school to preview three lessons a week.

The second thing I have to do is to read more good articles.

This year, I have subscribed CNN Interactive English magazine.

I will abide by the learning schedule to read and listen.

If I could read these article without difficulties.

I would try to read the novels of which

I have read translation such as Harry Potter and Tuesdays with Morrie.

I can guess the meaning without dictionary, because I know the story.

Writing is also the item that I should make progress.

I will recite vocabulary again and again

until I use these easy and smooth in my writing.

When I see the good and beatiful sentences,

I will write it down and recite the use.

To sum up, my plans of studying English are

reading, learning, and reciting continuously in my four-year university life.

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